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luise walker ist eine der ikonen in der öst. gitarrekunst
walkerYoung bio in englisch, obig angegebener website mit hoffentlich wieder einmal freundlicher genehmigung entliehen - see comment
Susi meinte am 6. Apr, 18:54:
walker's life
Luise Walker, Vienna, classical exponent of the interpretation and composition of the guitar, commenced her studies of this delicate art as a girl of 8 years of age, when her father decided, that his extremely musical little daughter should be taught an instrument not common to the ears of the public. I daresay, at the same time, as she grew a young lady, also this formerly popular and courtious instrument grew up to be a concert-instrument, as at that time Spanish composers and artists created the special concert technique of the instrument, which is to be heard now at public recitals.

She studied at the High School of Music in Vienna, where she learned to master not only her instrument, but also became acquainted with music as a science and high art. Her guitar-teacher was Prof. Jacob Ortner, furthermore she was protected by Kammervirtuose Heinrich Albert during her studies in Vienna, who had a special admiration for the young talent. Miguel Llobet, at that time the greatest Spanish master of the guitar, was a frequent guest to her parent's home. Certainly he gave his best to her with his pure style to develope her technique and musicality.
As a girl of 14 she gave her first public recital. Soon she had to follow invitations to different European countries, as well as to USA. 1940 she became professor at the Vienna High School of Music, up to this time she had had a private school for guitarists. Amongst her pupils there are to be found numerous teachers of the guitar, still more musical amateurs and artists. She composed studies for the guitar, as well as concertpieces. Luise Walkers repertoire contains nearly everything published up to contemporarian composers. Especially she developed with great ambition the Orchestra-concert style for the guitar, which was the youngest form of virtuosity with enormous musical and fascinating effect in her public concerts and on her records. 
Susi meinte am 6. Apr, 22:26:
grete dichler
qvw helene grimaud
aus Ö1gehört
wenn ich nicht mehr klavier spielen kann will ich nicht mehr leben, saget g.dichler als sie sich vor 1 J bei einem unfall die schulter brach. sie spielt wieder und sie spielt exzellent wie eh und je. die 85j. g.dichler ist pianistin und klavierlehrerin in wien. ihr mann war der bekannte pianist josef dichler der 93 verstarb. g.dichler ist unter wr. musikfreunden eine institution. sie hat unzählige klavierschüler unterrichtet. sie war fast jeden sommer als lehrerin in japan od. südkorea tätig. legendär sind ihre ausmusikabende bei denen mitglieder der wr philharmoniker u.a. prominente musiker mit ihr musizieren. resolut aber herzlich tritt g.dichler auf wenn es um musik und ihr klavier geht. 
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