susiyin meinte am 28. Mär, 13:27:
obviously, it is much easier to find sources in English
viel unnötiges zeugs gibts über die frauen die protestieren, mir gehts aber ums schicksal der betroffenen
further stuff page 3 of 12
much more information can be found @
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Women and children are the ultimate victims of any war. For centuries, women have been abducted and raped as spoils of war. Battles are waged on their bodies and in their communities. Children, when they survive at all, are often pressed into military service. In Iraq, women and children have already suffered disproportionately from the long economic sanctions. The infant and child mortality rate in Iraq is among the highest in the world (higher, for instance, than either Haiti or Sudan; 130 Iraqi children out of every 1000 die before age 5, compared with 8 deaths out of 1000 by children in the U.S.). Innocent civilians suffer more than anyone else in virtually every war; war against Iraq would inevitably result in a particularly dramatic demonstration of this truth.